How’d your flowers turn out? Purple and squiggly? Those are my favorite kind!
Did you know there are multiple pages to the coloring book?
Please share them with the rest of us - post them online with #perfectpaint! And If you weren’t aware, I’m also running a community art project alongside each issue of Wide Open Games - an invitation for the W.O.G. community to create and share art with each other.
A new invitation
For this issue’s project, you are uncordially and off-handedly invited to create and submit any piece of BROKEN ART! This can be a game that you haven’t finished, a picture of a scarf you knitted that got ripped, or a recording of a song whose second verse you haven’t quite nailed down yet and your voice cracked in the middle of recording the chorus.
Head on over to the project’s homepage and start flaunting your flaws! There’s neither judge nor jury here, just an open invitation to create and be creative with your fellow Wide Open Games players and readers. I’m so excited to see what beautiful broken messes y’all come up with.
From last time
To accompany The Start Issue, you were invited to create something new or try creating in a new way. I recorded myself singing (which I’ve never done before) and uploaded that. A Polish reader translated some of their interactive fiction into English for the first time. That piece is really fantastical and I highly encourage you to check it out!